
Gateways are used to process Charges and Recurring Charges.

Object Data

All variables for each gateway are required in NewGateway calls. They may also be updated in UpdateGateway calls but are not required in that request type.

Pay attention to the "Gateway" specifier below, as this shows which variables are required for which gateway.

Variable Type Gateway Format/Example
id automatic n/a 123456789
gateway_type string all Either "receivepay", at the present time.
enabled int all Set to "1" for enabled, "0" for disabled.
alias string optional for all Specify a nickname for the gateway (Optional).
mode int all "1" for Live Transactions, "2" for Test Transactions.
accept_visa int all Accept VISA cards? "1" to accept, "0" to reject.
accept_mc int all Accept MasterCards? "1" to accept, "0" to reject.
accept_discover int all Accept Discover cards? "1" to accept, "0" to reject.
accept_dc int all Accept Diner's Club Cards? "1" to accept, "0" to reject.
accept_amex int all Accept American Express? "1" to accept, "0" to reject.
login_id string authnet The Login ID generated in your control panel.
transaction_key string authnet The Transaction Key generated in your ReceivePay control panel.
terminal_id string exact The Terminal ID for your E-xact gateway account.
currency string paypal The currency for this gateway: "USD", "CAD", "EUR", "GBP", "AUD", or "JPY".
vendor string sagepay Your vendor identifier at SagePay.
currency string sagepay The currency for this gateway: "USD", "CAD", "EUR", "GBP", "AUD", "JPY", "CHF", "DKK", "HKD", "IDR", "LUF", "NOK", "NZD", "SEK", "SGD", or "TRL".

Method: NewGateway

Gateways can be created through this method.

Required data:

  • All variables in Object Data relating to "all" gateways and specific to your gateway.

Response data:

  • response_code of "400", upon success.
  • gateway_id - The ID of the new gateway.

Method: UpdateGateway

Update an existing gateway.

Required data:

  • gateway_id

Optional data:

  • Any/all of the object data relating to your gateway, except id.

Response data:

  • response_code of "401", upon success.

Method: MakeDefaultGateway

Makes the selected gateway the default gateway. This gateway will be used for all transactions that did not specify a gateway_id in the request.

Required data:

  • gateway_id

Response data:

  • response_code of "403", upon success.

Method: DeleteGateway

Delete an existing gateway.

Required data:

  • gateway_id

Response data:

  • response_code of "402", upon success.

Method: GetGateways

Returns a list of gateway names and ID's.

Optional filters:

  • deleted - Set to "1" to retrieve deleted gateways, or else it will only retrieve active gateways.
  • offset - Retrieval will begin after offset # of records. Useful for pagination. Default: 0.
  • limit - The total number of records to retrieve, beginning at the offset. Maximum: 100. Default: 100.

Response data:

  • results - Number of records in this response
  • total_results - Total # of records to retrieve. Use offset to gather all records over multiple iterated requests.
  • gateways
    • A gateway node for each returned customer
      • id - The Gateway ID.
      • gateway - Either the gateway name (e.g., "") or the gateway alias, if one exists.
      • date_created

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